Welcome to the family-friendly University

video family & science at Ulm University
family & science at Ulm University


for staff and junior scientists:

·        childcare centres (crèche and kindergarten)  

Ulm University - crèche (Krippe)
Childcare centre with 20 places for children of university staff and junior scientists from the age of 9 weeks to 3 years.   

Ulm University - kindergarten
Childcare centre with 40 places for children of university staff and junior scientists from the age of 3 years till the beginning of school; in individual cases from the age of 2 years and 9 months.

University Hospital – crèche and kindergarten

·         Holiday programme

·         Childcare at university events

·         Emergency care

·         Notice board (the place to seek or find)

Funding option for childcare

Crèches, kindergartens and day care centres

(websites in German only)

Childminder, nanny, Großtagespflege (small day care center)

Tips for selecting a childminder: information and check lists Handbuch Kindertagespflege (guidelines for childcare) by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Information Familienwegweiser, Familienhandbuch (manual for families – in German only).
RAL Quality Seal „Au-pair Outgoing"

You can find toddlers groups (Krabbelgruppen), play groups (Spielgruppen) and parents and children groups (Eltern-Kind-Treffs) in Ulm and Neu-Ulm in the family magazine Kinder in der Stadt in the section Gruppen und Treffs (groups and get-togethers)


•        in Ulm
Information by the City of Ulm, including full-time schools (Ganztagsschulen).
 Service offers at schools at a glance.
There are preparatory classes (Vorbereitungsklassen) for children with no or little German language skills.

•        in Neu-Ulm
Information by the City of Neu-Ulm, including full-time schools (Ganztagsschulen).
English-speaking education institution (kindergarten and school)
The International School Ulm/Neu-Ulm (ISU) is a new, all-day international school including an Early Years Program./ The International School Ulm/Neu-Ulm is an all-day institution (kindergarten and school from 1st to 12th class) with accreditation from the government of Swabia as substitute school (Ersatzschule).


Information about caring for family members

Information about  family and career

Information studying with family

Information about financial support

Information for fathers

Family Service

Maria Stöckle

Postal address:
Universität Ulm
Helmholtzstraße 16
89081 Ulm, Germany

Room number: E.19a
+49 731 50-25012
Fax: +49 731 50-25013
Mon-Wed | a.m.