Aktuelle Einzel-Nachricht des UZWR


Universität Ulm

16ter Finite-Elemente-Workshop in Ulm

Am 15. und 16. Juli findet in Ulm der 16. internationale FE-Workshop der Klinik für Kieferorthopädie und Orthodontie und des Kommunikations- und Informationszentrums (kiz) der Universität Ulm statt:

Workshop-Homepage: The Finite Element Method in Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics and Related Fields

Auf dem Bild: Herr Steil vom Rechenzentrum (kiz) der Universität Ulm, der uns jahrzehntelang gut mit Finiten Elementen versorgt hat, erhält zu seiner Pensionierung ein kleines Abschiedsgeschenk

Workshop Special 2009: "FE Solution and Post processing"

(at the morning of the second day, 16. July, 2009, Co-organizer: Dr. U. Simon, UZWR)

The idea of our Workshop special is to enhance the character of the meeting in terms of being a “workshop” and attract young researchers starting with biomechanical analyses.

In the series of Workshop Specials about basic knowledge in Finite Element Analysis we had sessions about:

  • 2007: "From CT-Data to FE Mesh and Material Properties"
  • 2008: "Load and Boundary Conditions"

Since we got quite good feedback about the first two Workshop Specials we decided to follow on and complete the list with the this year session about

  • 2009: "FE Solution and Post processing"

Four Presentations:

What happens after pressing the solve button? --- Things you should know about the standard Finite Element solver.

Karsten Urban, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, University of Ulm
Von Mises Stresses or Something Else, What Should be Used to Answer Biomechanical Questions? --- Basics about Finite Element Output Variables.

Ulrich Simon, UZWR, University of Ulm
Introduction into the Ansys Workbench Postprocessing Features.

Alexander Nolte und Stefan Raith, CADFEM GmbH, Grafing b. München
Verification and Validation: Not an Easy Task!

Hendrik Schmidt,Tim Wehner (Presenting Author), Institute of Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics, University of Ulm