Fachkonferenz: Synästhesien bei Kindern
Donnerstag 10. Mai 2012
Die Redner und Mitstreiter der internationalen Synästhesie-Konferenz werden in der Synästhesiewerkstatt vom Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Neu-Ulm, Gerold Noerenberg, offiziell begrüßt.
Freitag 11. Mai 2012
09:30 Welcome - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stadtmüller / Vice President, University of Ulm
and Introduction - Christine Söffing / Musisches Zentrum, University of Ulm
09:45 - 10:00 Synaesthetes introduce their synaesthesia as examples
10:00 - 10:45 Prof. Dr. Dr. Hinderk M. Emrich / Medical University of Hannover, Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Social Psychiatry - Opening Speech: Crucial questions as to the origin of synaesthesia during childhood
11:00 Dr. Jörg Jewanski / University of Münster, Deptartment University of Music - The beginning of research on synaesthesia with children. Searching for traces in the 19th century
11:30 Dr. Sean A. Day / Trident Technical College, Department of English & Journalism, Charleston, SC, USA / Head of the American Synesthesia Association (ASA) - Synesthetes and their families: in their own words
12:00 Dr. Jamie Ward / University of Sussex, School of Psychology, United Kingdom - Strengths and Weaknesses in People in Synaesthesia
13:30 Christine Söffing / Musisches Zentrum, University of Ulm - The blank sheet. Synaesthesia as a method in artistic workshops
14:00 Alexandra Kirschner / Aurelius Sängerknaben Calw - Synaesthesia and visual imagery in children. Synaesthesia as a method in vocal education
14:30 Dr. Cretien van Campen / Netherlands Institute for Social Research, The Hague, The Netherlands and Clara Froger / Rotterdam, The Netherlands - How children paint music: theory
15:00 Michael Samarajiwa / Klangwerkstatt Wendelsheim - How to re-musicalize children through Synaesthesia
16:00 Michael Funk / Technical University Dresden, Institute for Philosophy - Synaesthesia and philosophy – What is the meaning of the word "creativity”?
16:30 Solange Glasser / Paris, France - The Ambiguous Synaesthesia of Olivier Messiaen
17:00 Short presentation with musical example of the EMU - Experimental Music & Art, University of Ulm - Colour-light-music
17:15 Panel discussion about the day - conducted by Prof. Dr. Harald Bode, University Hospital Ulm
Samstag 12. Mai 2012
09:30 Anton Dorso / Lenin Moscow Pedagogical State University, Cross-Departmental Chair of Fundamental Psychology / Russia - Some cognitive aspects of the synaesthesia stimuli as possible ontogenetic markers of synaesthesia development in early childhood
10:00 Dr. Cretien van Campen / Netherlands Institute for Social Research, The Hague, The Netherlands and Clara Froger / Rotterdam, The Netherlands - How children paint music: workshop
11:00 University Ballett dances the smell and taste of a tangerine
11:30 Prof. Dr. Ursula Ditzig-Engelhardt / University of Münster, Department of Musicology and Music Education - Painting to music with children
12:00 Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert / University of Ulm, Institute of Psychology and Education, Department Learning & Instruction - Synaesthesia in multimedia learning?
12:30 Dr. Jasmin Rani Sinha / Luxembourg - how to learn languages using synaesthesia
14:00 Dr. Danko Nikolic / Max Planck Institut for Brain Research, Frankfurt - Ideaesthesia - Synaesthetic child in a semantic vacuum - (via skype)
14:30 Katja Krüger / Hamburg-Henstedt and Anna Rowedder / Leipzig - Synaesthetic music-project
15:00 Dr. Arnold Wohler / Neuburg an der Donau - Why does the child paint pictures the way it paints? Synaesthesia as a meaningful scheme in the drawing of the child
16:00 Karsten Greth / University for Music and Mdance, Cologne - Synaesthesia, an elastic phrase - Its use in music didactics
16:30 Prof. Dr. Manfred Bartel / University of Aalen, Department of Microcomputer Engineering - Grapheme Color Synaesthesia Test Component
17:00 Dr. Mª José De Córdoba Serrano / University of Granada / Spain - Synaesthesia methodologies and practices experience, teaching approaches
18:00 Public discussion with the speakers - To which conclusions does the conference lead?
19:00 Anna Mandel / Hamburg and Karsten Greth / Cologne - Singing sculptures - Flute and voice
Nanna Heitmann (nh), Anna Katharina Rowedder (akr), Klaus Schmidtke (ks), Dr. Jasmin Rani Sinha (js) und Christine Söffing (cs)