45th MoMAN-Seminar - Dr. S. Warth

Zeit : Mittwoch , 16:00
Ort :online via Zoom,

Title: Dive in an exciting world, where we make invisible visible by flow and mass cytometry

Speaker: Dr. Sarah Warth
Core Facility Cytometry, Ulm University


The magic field into cellular structure, cell behaviour and interactions of biological systems is often the key, to answer scientific and clinical questions by research. The Core Facility Cytometry gives you the possibility to open these closed doors via supporting researchers with its instruments and many years of experience.

One of the main technologies we are working with is the Flow Cytometry, which is an excellent method for characterization of cell structures in and on the cell. The usage of fluorochrome-coupled antibodies specific for diverse epitopes on the cell but also intracellular as well as intranuclear allows the identification ofdiverse biological cell structures. The analysis of these structures, enable researchers the identification of multiple cell populations.

Next to the deep analysis of cells but also based on flow cytometry technology, we are also able to sort with our cell sorters up to four different cell populations in separate tubes or as a single cell in various well plates, giving researchers the opportunity to focus entirely on the target population that is of interest for further processing.

With our mass cytometer (CyTOF) we have an additional method for the characterisation biological structures in a more multi-dimensional way. Instead of fluorochromes, specific antibodies are coupled with rare metals resulting in the detection of more than 40 markers in parallel.

The seminar should present you an overview about the technology and the instruments the Core Facility offers for independent usage as well as the services that we provide all researchers at the Ulm hospital and University.

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