Präsentation der AristaFlow BPM Suite auf der BPM’10 in Hoboken, New Jersey

Universität Ulm

Im Rahmen der 8. Internationalen Fachtagung zu Business Process Management (BPM'10) hat das DBIS-Institut innovative, prozessorientierte Anwendungen, die mithilfe der AristaFlow BPM Suite realisiert worden sind, dem internationalen Fachpublikum vorgestellt. Die BPM’10 ist die bedeutenste Fachtagung zu Themen rund um das Management von Geschäftsprozessen. Die BPM’10 fand dieses Jahr vom 13. – 16. September in Hoboken, New Jersey (nahe New York) satt. Eine Zusammenfassung der AristaFlow-Demo findet sich nachfolgend.

Enabling Process Support for Advanced Applications with the AristaFlow BPM Suite
von Andreas Lanz, Ulrich Kreher, Manfred Reichert and Peter Dadam

A process-aware information system (PAIS) will be not accepted by end users if its software clients do not support their native workflows or are too complex for them. When implementing business processes based on process management technology important issues are, therefore, how end-users can participate in the execution of the processes and how this can be accomplished as intuitively as possible. This becomes extremely important if high flexibility demands need to be fulfilled during process execution, while PAIS robustness and error safety need to be assured. In our BPM’10 software demonstration we showed how the AristaFlow BPM Suite - an adaptive process management system developed by us – was applied by ourselves as well as by partners to challenging applications in domains like healthcare, logistics, disaster management, and software development. The implementation of adaptive software clients in these different applications particularly proves the benefits provided by an open application programming interface (API) as offered by AristaFlow.

Weitere Informationen zur AristaFlow-BPM’10 Demo finden sich in folgendem Kurzbericht:

Lanz, Andreas and Kreher, Ulrich and Reichert, Manfred and Dadam, Peter (2010) Enabling Process Support for Advanced Applications with the AristaFlow BPM Suite. In: Proc. of the Business Process Management 2010 Demonstration Track, September 2010, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 615


Demonstration von AristaFlow und ausgewählten Anwendungen

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