Im Rahmen der 22. Internationalen Fachtagung Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'10) vom 7. – 11. Juni 2010 in Hammamet, Tunesien hat das DBIS-Institut aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten zur Umsetzung von Compliance-Vorschriften in prozessorientierten Informationssystemen vorgestellt. Dazu wurde dem internationalen Fachpublikum ein innovativer Software-Prototyp präsentiert, der von DBIS-Mitarbeitern im Projekt
SeaFlows auf Grundlage der AristaFlow BPM Suite entwickelt wurde Der Prototyp zeigt sehr gut zukünftige Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten für die AristaFlow-Software auf.
Demo-Beschreibung (in englischer Sprache):
In the light of an increasing demand on business process compliance, the verification of process models against compliance rules has become essential in enterprise computing. The SeaFlows Toolset featured in this tool demonstration extends process-aware information system by compliance checking functionality. It provides a user-friendly environment for modeling compliance rules using a graph-based formalism. Modeled compliance rules can be used to enrich process models. To address a multitude of verification settings, SeaFlows Toolset provides two compliance checking components: The structural compliance checker derives structural criteria from compliance rules and applies them to detect incompliance. The data-aware compliance checker addresses the state explosion problem that can occur when the data dimension is explored during compliance checking. It performs context-sensitive automatic abstraction to derive an abstract process model which is more compact with regard to the data dimension enabling more efficient compliance checking. Altogether, SeaFlows Toolset constitutes a comprehensive and extensible framework for checking compliance of process models. As implementation platform the AristaFlow BPM Suite is used.
Weitere Informationen zur CAiSE’10-Demo:
T. Ly, D. Knuplesch, S. Rinderle-Ma, K. Goeser, M. Reichert, P. Dadam (2010) SeaFlows Toolset - Compliance Verification Made Easy. In: Proc. CAiSE'10 Forum, Hammamet, Tunesien.
T. Ly, S. Rinderle-Ma, P. Dadam (2010) Design and Verification of Instantiable Compliance Rule Graphs in Process-Aware Information Systems. Proc. CAiSE'10, Hammamet, Tunesien, LNCS 6051, S. 9-23